Agyle modular EPR
Agyle EPR (full suite)
Agyle is a new approach to EPRs. Our clinical software is designed to support a fully integrated, intuitive, outcomes-focused patient-centric and data-driven system.
Agyle Hub (Whiteboard)
A real-time pictorial view of patient status and location, with simple drag-and-drop functionality supported by deep functionality enabling effective patient and Trust management.
Agyle Hub (Whiteboard)
A real-time pictorial view of patient status and location, with simple drag-and-drop functionality supported by deep functionality enabling effective patient and Trust management.
Agyle Inpatients
An innovative new approach for inpatients. With full interoperability, clinical and operational functionality, users can easily share data across the trust and/or ICS.
Agyle Analytics
With greater visibility and access to your data at all levels of your organisation, we will work with you to improve outcomes, driving insight through innovative data analysis and AI.
Agyle Patient Flow
Manage your patients' journeys across the organisation to optimise clinical pathways like never before to deliver care of the highest quality as efficiently as possible.
Agyle Clinical Safety
With an uncompromising approach to patient safety, improve clinical collaboration, information sharing, reduce error rates and better inform clinical decision making.
Agyle Imaging
Next generation user experiences across image viewing and storage. Our ophthalmic software delivers intuitive and rapid viewing, cloud hosting and integrated AI.
Agyle Intelliward
An unmatched virtual wards capability to help clinicians remotely manage patients regardless of location. Schedule, monitor and complete tasks, sharing data in real-time.
Agyle Mental Health EPR
A new EPR for Mental Health, with intuitive UI supported by the latest technology. Agyle’s user led design empowers Mental Health teams to deliver complex person-centric care.
Agyle ED
Unparalleled A&E experiences designed for clinicians by clinicians, enabling at-a-glance patient tracking and more effective planning and prioritisation